Saturday, January 12, 2008


Spent most of the night watching Simpsons but I started work after awhile.

Worked on a compromise between the pkg_info/pkg_delete display needing to pass on the software packages name to be operated on to the appropriate slot and my own code minded need to place the actual implementations of those slots in its own file along side other port-related actions. I also removed the hidden column since I realized I already had a method to cram the spitted name and version back together and store it in an instance variable for passing on.

The internal QAction object for each entry in the context menu has it's connect() signal connected to a python slot. Since we need to know what was activated (and I am not a genius with context menus in QT3) when the action is activated the slot calls an external function (the real slot if you like) with the name of the selected package.

So right clicking the package in the list brings up the context menu, which saves a reference to the item selected; suitable for running the pkg_delete/info commands on directly. When selecting the action to perform from the context menu, it causes the activated() signal to be sent to the wrapper slots for that action. Which intern call the implementations from another file with the item/package name that was set by displaying the context menu.

There might be a better way of doing it but I ain't found it yet. And personally I am one that prefers to try the simplest solutions to a problem first and see if they work before complicating things. And this way of doing it is quite simple, at least to my brain cells.

I also skipped using the poor looking mockup of a display area I wrote to pack the output of running a command, such as make into a window for display. The mockup was based on a translation to Python I did of a C++ Example from QT3. It worked but did not look very nice and although I prefer to hand-code things when it's not to major because it normally ends with me knowing WTF is going on. I fired up QT Designer and used it to create a simple Dialog with buttons I can edit into what I want and spend time getting it to do what I want rather then look nice.

Generated the python version of an ui.h file from it and wrote a subclass of it that modifies it (for testing at this point) and extends it with the extra functionality we want, being able to run the requested process and display it's output. So far I am enjoying this and because the .ui files created by QT Designer is just a custom XML format, it is easy to edit by hand as well as through Designer (A GUI for making a GUI the easy way). Later on the subclass from the file might get replaced with a handwritten equivalent but I'll worry about that later.

Some standing issues are:

0/ Define usage style for the Display Dialog while it 'runs' including changes to the options sub-system as needed.

1/ Set up the pkg_delete / pkg_info handlers to use it for displaying their output.

2/ (later) figure out how we can get the Dialog to display properly when resized, namely having the buttons and display widget resize with the window !

The above 3 items are what I would be doing tonight, if tonight was not really this morning because it is after 0500 in the local morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sad thing is I am hungry and wide awake but not sleepy in the least. I guess programming for a couple hours has that effect =/

Man, I love to code...

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