Sunday, February 28, 2010

My games net module is almost complete under unix, and in theory should be able to handle both IPv4 and IPv6 communication fine; not that I have much to test the latter with. Windows support will need a bit more tweaking, and then it'll be possible to plug it into my Raven Shield admin quiet easily.

Pardoning interruptions, I've spent about 6 hours of my day working in straight C, followed by about 15-20 minutes for a little rest. For some sickening reason, my weekends almost always fall into the category of working all day, eating dinner, then working until dawn lol.

Doing things in C, I find more time consuming then more dynamic languages, chiefly because of how much testing I (try to) do, coupled with how much lower-level stuff one has to keep in mind. Having to deal with memory management issues, is not a problem for me, although I do admit that garbage collected languages can be very enjoyable. To be honest, I find the portability problems of doing anything interesting, to be a greater drawback then managing memory; e.g. by design Python is not very portable in comparison to C, but it more then portable enough for anything you're likely to bump into on a PC, and can do 'more' with less bother, for an acceptable level of portability. They are very different languages at heart, and their designs reflect it strongly. A lot of people (including myself) call Cs portability a myth, and it is in the sense of what most people want (especially me), I doubt is possible without a more modern rendition of the language (NOT Java or C++). Where C truly excels at portability, well I reckon you'll just have to study more assembly language to understand the value of it.

Now if only I had something better to do, then spend all my time behind a computer screen, monkeying around with GCC on one side, and MSVC on the other 8=).

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