Friday, December 16, 2011

My word, if you're not using Opera and it's Dragonfly for web development, all I can say is Firebug users, eat your bits out.


  1. What's so good about opera for web development Spidey??

  2. Dragonfly and the inspector for Chrome/WebKit/Safari are similar enough to be a faster switch between either, than Firebug.

    The JavaScript console has bash (set -o emacs) like line editing and the autocompletion is optimized for JS. It is just awesome and can even load jquery in the active tab! Versus other consoles I've tried, this is like replacing an old beetle with a new Camaro or Notepad with vi. Plus it has all the usual interactive goodness for inspecting objects.

    Dragonfly's console gives me enough more to work with that I can do a lot more with it and less of having to edit/f5 everything.

    The utilities and storage tabs are useful at times but Error's tab can be especially useful—as it covers CSS and HTML. So we're not just limited to JavaScript errors and HTTP errors.

    The rendering engine (Presto) is generally pretty standards compliant and quick; Adobe licensed it for Dreamweaver MX through CS3, so it's been reasonably widely used.

    I used to use Opera and Konqueror for checking pages for errors, because when crap would work in Mozilla but not Opera, I'd usually find an error in the code. Like WebKit, Opera is a tool that I can trust to likely render wrong code wrong. Opera's the best at it that I know.

    What's missing is Chrome's "Audits" and "Profiles" features and being able to tie the tool to given tab. Those tabs I need rarely enough, that I can just open another browser.

    My only gripe so far, is it's more work than Chrome if you want to set a breakpoint on a bit of HTML. Yet on the upside it's a lot easier to set breakpoints on events.
