Thursday, April 24, 2008

Whew it's been a long day.

Been trying to get stuff done on the website in between instant messages, I really wish we could pick up the pass but we're kinda split between three countries and our associated jobs.

Had to conduct a tryout in SWAT4 today, first time I've actually done it in SWAT4. Usually I only get to observe but not conduct, this time though it was a situation where I got asked to take care of business. Don't get me wrong, I've done plenty of tryouts and been to a ton of them in both RvS and SWAT but it's still a tryout.

I don't really like conducting tryouts but I've done enough that I can get them running quickly and smoothly when not training others about the process. You've got to be able to judge the recruits performance, and I don't really like to judge people. When it comes to doing tryouts, I am extremely strict, that is more or less how I was trained.

Some of my friends would say I'm just a right * proper bastard, suppose I am really lool. But when it comes to tryouts, even more so because I understand how important they are -- and why we should be strict. I don't have any problem with failing some one on their tryout, who said it was easy? But I'm also as fair as the Tryout SOPs allows me to be, things have to be done _correctly_ but honorably (y).

Although, to be perfectly honest I don't think I've met any recruit that didn't have it in them to pass a Troopers Tryout. If they didn't, odds are they wouldn't have been granted Recruit tags yet.

Heh, I remember my first clan back during my MechWarrior career. When I ended up with [SAS] down in Rvs, I was like "Huh? I'm getting trained and I've not been given a tryout yet?". [SAS]'s selection course I think is as close to the real thing in terms of being more like the military then the average group of gamers.

I'm really an easy going guy for the most part, but tryout conductor == iron fist-ed stickler for the tinest detail. When I conduct a tryout, you can generally be sure that who ever passes got a solid tryout or the ship went down trying!

The one thing I do like about conducting tryouts, is getting to debrief the recruit when they've passed. That's the good part before the paper work and admin work pile up when they've passed haha.

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