Monday, October 31, 2011

Today has been a bit of a day. My aging parakeet has passed on; I say aging going by what's on Wikipedia. Plus some good news at work, that I'll nit relate here. Otherwise it's been fairly uneventful. Pretty much been experimenting with Google Music and playing Killing Floor over the Halloweeen special event; one Scrake to go before I can join Ranzaar's chubby Chicken Army lol.

Think I'll probably get around to journalling other thoughts later: Night of The Living Dead is starting!

Laziness meets frequency

Soething that I have been thinking about, or princiaplly that I've been to lazy to transfer over googlecl stuff from Alice to Andrea, and for how much my notes management stuff has grown. I'm thinking that my journal entries will likely start to collect into my "Scratch Notes" file, and eventually pushed off into here. Pretty much, my notes system has to solve various problems.
  • Good support for recording structured information.
  • History management; what changed and when.
  • Simple and readily accessible enough to collect/manage unstructured and "In-progress" information.
The first two are what most systems fail at, doing the latter, hell you can do with a collection of Post It! Notes if you know how not to spill your drink. Having a vim session running in dtach, that I can share e.g. between multiple tmux/screen sessions, helps. But it's really my "Scratch Notes" file that makes it easy. It's a structured dumping bin for the here and now: what I'm doing or what I want to note. Things either get aged off; "Eh, ain't parsed that in a month, bye, bye!"; or being transitioned to a suitable file. For example, while working on X, I may make notes applicable to Y and Z; afterwards I rip them out at leasire and incorperate them into suitable notes. I attribute the concept of a "Scratch" note to Emacs. It has a *scratch* buffer open initially, where you can collect snippets of text you don't want to save, and can readily evaluate elisp code; very fundimental for emacs users. Me, well, I kind of like the same idea, but in a more perm' note.

TF101 Coolness

My tablets dock has been sitting unused since I got home from work on Friday, docking it at the office I have 97% charge on the dock; and it was probably 98% when I hit the road on Friday.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thoughts on "Why Devs hate PC Gamers"

Was reading this article today and it basically laments that game developers gate PC gamers because of the piracy. While I can't agree with most of the remarks about DRM, even less so being a programmer. I've written a bit in the past about how I feel about DRM.

What I do generally agree with though, is this persons views on pirates. I don't pirate crap. I don't even mind paying for crap if it's worth having. Most games I can't say are worth the release price, so I don't buy them. Personally, the only distinction that I see between console and PC for piracy is that it is harder for the technically innept masses to steal. As the tech-line blurs and development becomes a bit more related, that's going to change. Just look at the current generation of consoles versus say, the original Nintendo.

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's funny how not wanting to trade time with somone very important to me, for carting my mother around Kroger's seems fit to alll but paint me as a fusion of Benedict Arnold and Adolf Hitler. Don't you just love mothers?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trying to at long last keep up with my RSS feed reading was going well, until I took half a week off checking greader lol

Is RSS dying?

RSS Rant

I must agree with most of what the author wrote, and confese I prefer RSS - and would like something comparable that offers commenting. But the security implications of that are probably nightmare'ish to say the least.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Changes coming

At some point, greater integration between / and a number of other stuff should be coming. One that is already apparent or should be, is my entries here now carry my name rather than my call sign. That's part of the Google+ Profie integration that has hit Blogger in Draft. I could easily change it back now that real names needen't be used on G+ (which has always been against Facebooks policies AFAIK), but for sharing the same display name across Google Mail, Talk, Plus, and Blogger, it's worth it to me to use my name.

Spidey01 is my call sign of choice, and very much a piece of who I am. It's something I'm comfortable with, associating my Digital Presence with my Physical Presence as it were. My blogs side bar has always carried Spidey01 / TerryP on it, and unravelling the rest non-trivial for the initiated or the persistent; thus no fear.

Pretaining to this blog itself, I'd rather like to experiment with a darker and more computeresque theme, the teasing page at my site probably should clue one in on what sort of look I'm interested in. It will probably wait for a stretch of free time though, where I can tweak things to taste. General restructuring and house keeping also needs doing. Content wise, there's a number of things I'm interested in presuing. I have been doing a lot with the conversion to using Android as my main computer, both for personal tasks I do every day and for programming. Since I've been exploring the market a lot more, there's apps I would like to note here before they swap out of storage someday. More or less the same for a few programming ideas of my own, hehe. There is a chunk of "Posts of Note" that will eventually be moved out of my personal notes and become a page here or at the main domain.

Google+ arguably fits my life better than any other resource for such stuff like this, in terms of connecting with my friends. Facebook and Twitter users, you are just left out in the cold, sorry; the most you get is an alternative to my RSS feed here. Where as Google+ is better for sharing with friends and stuff that peers would probably tweet, I find Blogger more comfortable for organizing content, and finding it again. Stuff that goes on G+ is more aimed at sharing, stuff here is more Me oriented. That's why I tend to call it a "Journal" and only use "Blog" for consumption by others. Stuff kept in my journal is principally for me, and offered for where it may be useful. I will be rather happy someday if there is an integration between Blogger and G+ that would use the same permissions and commenting engine (while retaining the existing login options for non G+ users) but really don't expect it to ever happen. In the  mean time, I just hope that the Google+ API expands and that it will eventually become like Twitter in that regard.

Or in short: G+ -> for the water cooler; Blogger -> for the journal.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In the future, journal entries should now be syndicated via RSS, Facebook, and Twitter. Commentators using Facebook rather than Blogger, will be LARTed. 

When Google+ integrates better with Blogger, we'll see what happens, hehe. It is rapidly becoming my preferred media but Blogger is better suited for longer stuff. Give us more API Googlers, more API!

Understanding Twitter

Newsgroups, forums, blogging, Facebook, Google+, etc are all things that I understand fairly well. Twitter less so for me, as it's not a service that I 'use'. Some people I know use Twitter but mostly it's just businesses and marketing, and I don't care about any of the businesses I like that much to listen; so I've little use for the service.

Viewing someone's tweets reads off like a list of short messages, similar to the blog model (e.g. like a Wall post on Facebook) which almost everyone understands these days. But it includes the users comments inline, along with their comments (replies) on other peoples posts (tweets). In a way, it is coser to the newgroup/forum model where in you have a node that fits into a 'thread', yet the head of the thread is just a normal post (node). In the blogging model, it's somewhat different because of the emphasis on the blog comment.

This makes it rather disconcerting to look at tweets for the initiated. From first glance, it's like listening to a twittering bird that not only talks to the open air (hello you Facebook mob!) but also to its imaginary friends. By clicking the tweet (look for the icon top right) you can see the thread and explore the relationship between tweets. It's a decentralized version of how forums work; instead of defaulting to viewing by topical thread, your default view is by the user.

If that last paragraph makes sense, particularlly the last sentence: you now understand Twitter. Or I'm missing something lol.

What remains to be seen until the course of history has advanced much further, is whether or not any given model (newsgroup, blog, twitter) will become the universally accepted model of communication on the internet. Twitter is a leg up over using a mail client that doesn't do threads (eww) but I personally prefer the newsgroup model, but profese, twitter is an interesting data model for machine processing to whatever corporations will do to profit from that data model.

Newsgroup model
Someone starts a topic, other people reply; replies and topic starts are all the same thing (posts) but things are usually collated into "Threads". Examples include USENET, mailing lists, and forums.
Blog model
Someone blogs an article, other people comment; comments are distinct from the content and may be deemphasized depending on the platform. Examples include Blogging and Facebook.
Twitter model
Someone tweets a short message, other people may publically or privately reply . All nodes are equal and connected as in a shared thread, but are collated by "Users" rather than threads.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Right, premake4 is one of my favourite ways to build C/C++ stuff but tonight I'm thinking it has a moron involved. You can specify a project as being one of four kinds: ConsoleApp, WindowedApp, SharedLib, StaticLib. The documentation here states that this likely means /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS will be passed to link.exe, and indeed it is. That is how you say call WinMain and do any other I'm a GUI app magic for Windows; other wise you get a main and a command  prompt; simply put.

This FAQ entry on the other hand, is just retarded.

Monday, October 17, 2011

iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II Drop Test

The Samsung makes me glad that my ASUS Transformer uses Gorilla Glass like the Galaxy S II phone, not whatever crud is used on the iPhone 4S.

Did I ever mention that I wouldn't have bought an iPad, even if it had Gorilla glass?

Today while I was pacing the lunch room, waiting on my lunch to finish microwaving. I came to a bit of a conclusion; concepts such as deductive reasoning and mathematical induction generally apply.

Over the span of my life thus far, my mother has been opposed to every "Good thing" in my life. Except one: getting into church. That one good thing only happened because she was presuing her own interests, I just got dragged along for the ride. Like wise, by the flipside of that coin, pro to just about everything that has had reaching negative impact on my life.

That gives me two thoughts about life at present: A.) I'm probably on the right track (Thanks mom) and B.) at least my mother is consistent.

Maybe I can never expect my mother to ever be aligned with 'good' for me so much as what she wants (and assumes therefore must be best). But at least I can generally count on my mother being consistent, easily anticipated, and generally annoying. Most of her present behaviours, I calculated the probability of when I was what, like 8? LOL! I like consistency and determinism. It aligns with my concept of 'order' in the universe instead of pure randomness.

That being said, I think I would actually worry if my mother didn't approuch any good thing in my life, as if it was a radioactive time bomb about to obliterate the known universe. Even more so knowing my mother.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today, my mother wanted to know how much cash she could borrow next week. Having just paid off a stack of stuff, she'd have to wait until my next pay cheque or take it against my credit card.

I had decided to "Fire" her from the grocery shopping, i.e. rather than giving her a budget to shop with ($500/month), I'd do it myself—because she proves in capable of sticking to that. I tried paying the rent (over $700) and she racked up debt against my pocket money for vacation. Hasn't paid back a dime. To try and be *nice*, I opted for a unique option....swap groceries for bills. Which I've paid off ^^.

The concept there, being yet again, if I'm doing that, she isn't entitled to most recent Google+ entry shows how much debt she's already in. Prior to taking on bills  in exchange for not firing her. I wanted an formal (and witnessed) agreement that she's not allowed to borrow any more $$$, and the bills in  my name; but I never got around to that first detail.

This time, I'm requiring it + a pay in full clause as a perquisite to loaning her any more money.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Other Guys

Just finished watching a movie called The Other Guys, and I must say: while I thought it was rather retarded at first, by the end game I was thoroughly enjoying the film.

So you have two bozo's, a "Forensic Accountant" that acts like you'd expect him to be sucking a lolly and an angry failure. Give or take a bunch of people with "WTF STUPID" stamped on their forehead. By the end of it, you're convinced that you don't want to mess with a Prius and that a Chechen Dora The Explorer is a terrible idea; or how many times do you see a bunch of golfers take down a helichopter for detectives in trouble?! It's been a while since a movies made me cackle as loud as the ending, even if the beginning is a bit more obtuse.

On the other hand, it's an excellent little romp and definitions worth watching, if you have a sense of humour and can take the pace ;).

Friday, October 14, 2011

For Fails Sake!

I just noticed in Comcast's account page, appropriately they note the default address, username, and password to login to the web interface for setup of the particular wireless router in question. However...the scary thing is they encourage you to connect using the default SSID and the network key printed on the label (hopefully not also out of a can....), skipping any need to use the web interface what so ever.

Right, let me paint you a picture. Joe & Jane Luser, don't know squat about routers. Most people don't even if they know how to use computers well beyond average (but it's not that hard). The label says skip the rocket ma-science setup smetz up and just plug it in, connect to this network name and type in this're done! The Lusers are probably so inept, they even put the label on the router just in case.

Now, let's say they have a neighbor help fix a computer problem someday and she notes the label. Sometime later they piss her off, so she connects from her apartment, logs in with the default, and locks the Lusers out. Or maybe does all sorts of nasty shit; winning!

It's probably a good thing that routers rarely default to allowing remote administration, so at least the SSID/Key are there...but that isn't good enough that I would want to bank on it. And trust me, if someone gets deep enough into your network, you can be banking on it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I guess like many, this morning I learned that the world recently lost one of it's biggest contributors. I do not mean Steve Jobs, a man with his own important legacy. Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie has died, he was more commonly known as 'DMR' or just 'Dennis Ritchie'. A G+ entry by Rob Pike is the earliest reporting I'm aware of, but I can't say I expect this sad news to be found on TV.

Dennis Ritchie has a place in history that few men have ever achieved, because his work helped change the world. I am a young man compared to the late DMR but I does have an interest in history. If it wasn't for this mans work, I doubt that I could be writing this journal entry, because he helped to enable so many elements that make it possible.

His most famous programming language, C, was so pervasively popular, that I knew of it before I learned to program. My first programming language (C++) was derived from it. A big part of how I fell so deep insane with computers was learning about how C and Unix became self hosting. That  means you could make C and Unix using C and Unix, in laymans terms. Back then that was  almost like revolutionary - today it's like sliced bread. We take it for granted but someone had to help show us the way; then people started to use it everywhere.

Through C, we gained countless programs. Most Unix operating systems are written in C, most other operating systems are written in C or finally grown from one that was. Unix, DOS, Windows, Linux, OSX, your iPod, your iPhone, your iPad, our Android. None of it would exist just like it does. Most of the stuff we do every day involves C programs, be that reading e-mail, playing games, surfing the web. It is even normal for other programming languages to be implemented in C. The defacto standard Perl, Python, and Ruby included. It is so normal that writing a language implementation in itself is not so big anymore. C is so pervasive that it is also inescapable in other languages: their is almost always a way and a need to interface with C code. Hell, today you might even have C code involved in your toaster. It is that important a programming language. If you ever used a computer or an embedded system, you have probably used software written in C, or are old enough to remember what it was like before punch cards.

C is perhaps the single most important language since programmer's stopped writing in raw machine code. In fact, sometime after that we stopped writing in assembly and I know no one who goes lower level than reading the machine code. A common portion of C syntax is practically our linga franca—even if C is not a shared language, the syntax (which grew from prior languages) is also widely used and an alternative to pure pseudo code.

Maybe a lot of young programmers don't know C, or skip it. I love it. It is one of the most beautiful languages that I know, despite it's trappings. Perhaps some of the greatest lessons I learned about my craft, was that learned from C. Perhaps another was the humility of it's creator.

Somehow, I doubt his other works will ever be as well known as C, or things he was a big part of (like Unix), but maybe people will study them and see what they can learn from the work of a legendary hacker, like Dennis Ritchie.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thoughts of modal/semi-modal editing on Android

In regards to modal, I mean `like vi`, where in the keyboard is shifted between a normal "Command" mode for manipulating text and an "Insert" mode for typing text into the buffer. A prime example can be found by learning vi (or vim or elvis). Personally I think this kind of model fits well with a mobile device like Android, even more so than it does a PC—emacs pinky be damned ;). Which makes me think of something like this:
  • A simple "Notepad" grade editor
  • Press a designated command key, send following keystrokes to command dispatcher
  • Useful stuff: save/load, buffer list, etc.
  • Scripting/configuration language
Something uniquely respective of my vi/vim heritage, yet incorporating lessons from the emacsen school. As a former XEmacs user, I do know quite well that my beloved Vi IMproved is not always well subverted. Using the volume up/down keys (and settings to rebind ofc) would make perfect replacements for Control and Meta (Alt/Escape). Using a keyboard with suitable keys, obviously eliminates this: and for on screen work with a big enough display, I really have to reccomend The Hackers Keyboard. It is an interesting preposition, at least. For scripting language, that one is a stickly wickly one. Android is not well suited to this in the conventional sense. Unless you want to implement one in a suitable subset of Java (double barf). An interesting idea would be to compile something like Lua or a Scheme interp' to native code, and communicate with it using some type of local socket and RPC. That might be interesting to toy with. Then perhaps, "Plugin-lets" that add useful tools, such as busybox or git. That's less feasible but certainly interesting.

Another day closer to BattleTech, another Trillion away from Avatar

My post title sums up exactly what I think of this BBC article on how controlling stuff with thought is going. It really is getting impressive, if abit, unlikely that even our childrens grand children will see much more of it than we already have of cloning. The applications for gaming, may invoke memories of Marty McFly being told his old rails shooter was a "Babies toy" for needing the player to use their hands, or at least for people getting on in years a bit <_<. But in all seriousness, until such tech is literally prevasive as game controlers, it's not going to happen, except maybe for the super rich (JP anyone?). Expanding the capabilities of UAVs and other war machines are probably going to be the only thing to cause sufficent surge in funding for such tech to develop massively; which is sad, IMHO, when letting crippled people walk again is a much better cause. Even more so when given the cost, it's less justisifable of a Big Fraking Budget for research, then improving existing means of remote control. I have no doubt however, that the armies model for the Next Gen solider will likely incorporate that level of being "Plugged" in as well, in all due time. I seriously hope though, that a company called Cyberdyne with a suit named "Hal", is some Japanese geeks idea of good humour, and that Skynet is still brewing somewhere beneath Moutain View, Californa. For those not in the know, in the world of BattleTech, "Mech Warriors" have their physical controls augmented by training their 'mech to react to their brain waves; For those living under a rock, Avatar displays remote-mind-control over a syntehic body (so does Surrogate for those that don't do enough Sci-Fi), and Skynet is software that will eventually become self aware and take over the world when it sees how threatening we are to it's continued existence. Three Laws of Robotics, my hairy humanoid ass!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Notes on the ASUS Transformer's file system / partition layout

rootfs on / type rootfs (rw,relatime)

# physical
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /system type ext4 (ro,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 on /data type ext4 (rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /cache type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered)
/dev/fuse on /mnt/sdcard type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other)

# special
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime)
none on /acct type cgroup (rw,relatime,cpuacct)
tmpfs on /mnt/asec type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000)
tmpfs on /mnt/obb type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000)
none on /dev/cpuctl type cgroup (rw,relatime,cpu)
tmpfs on /Removable type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000)
/dev, /dev/pts, /proc, and /sys are normal Linux stuff. I'm not familiar with /dev/cpuctl or /sys/kernel/debug but they are fairly self explanitory! Whatever /mnt/asec, /mnt/obb, and /acct and numerous other things are explained briefly in /init.rc; poking around /acct is interesting. The tempfs on /Removable pretty much just serves as a place to put mount points for external media, i.e. MicroSD / SD cards and USB drives. The mmcblk device is clearly responsible for the most important parts of the Android system: /data and /system are your air and water. Under /data, you will pretty much find all your apps (stored on internal memory), and in /system, well, stuff that helps make your system work; d'uh. /system and /data can probably be looked at as read-only and read-write portions of the Android File System Hierachy, I guess. As far as mmcblk itself is concerned, it's just the internal memory card. The thing that I find rather interesting, is that the user storage area (/mnt/sdcard -> /sdcard), or what everyone typically interacts with, is provided through some type of relationship to FUSE, as opposed to directly through mmcblk0. This is curious enough to me, that I would consider poking around further, or even digging closer into ROMs for the Transformer, to be worth the effort. Yeah, I've just got to figure out how crap works, lol. On the upside, I know better than to disassemble my new "Stable" system and I'm to cheap to get one just for testing puposes.

Thursday, October 6, 2011 force close on my ASUS Transformer - solved

This isn't an issue I've encountered before but since last night, I've been getting these. Very regularly. Today, I noticed an association between this and using the web browser.  Sure enough if I went into Settings -> Accounts & Sync -> that Google account; and unchecked "Sync Browser", it stopped. Like wise if I toggled it back on, it would rapidly force close.

Being more scientific, I toggled sync on/off for some other Google services without getting any force closes. Problem therefore became, how to fix this?

Android apps generally store their data under /data/data/package-name; where typically /data/data is your internal memory and package-name is a Java dotted package name like; that's just how it is I'm afraid. Inside, I noticed nothing very interesting. Mostly an XML file related to settings and some databases. This is a Good Thing (tm) except Fuck Your Life if you want more stuff on your memory card; unless you get hacky with mount points and linkages that is. Now, being frugal, I created an archive of this data folder ( from my root shell, then went into Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All -> Browser, force closed the browser and hit clear data. Problem solved.

Being of the SQLite3 varity, I'm sure I could splice anything of interest out of the backup back into the new Browser setup, but I'd rather get more done. An advantage of the important parts being either in cloud (book marks) or brain (passwords, etc), is the lossage is minimum. If anyone has more data on what causes it to go wonky, or on in general, I'd be interested in your comments.

Someday I really would like to get myself a git checkout of the Android source, but I think I will wait until after Ice Cream Sandwich for that.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Web apps or native apps?

On the desktop, I will generally opt for using a web site over an application where possible, except when an application is seriously more convenient. For example, at home I typically rely on webmail and forgo using a local client; at work the inverse is true. GMail is one of the best ways to do e-mail :-).

When it comes to e.g. Android, I will often opt in favour of a decent app, over the web version. Apps generally have less overhead then rendering a desktop-oriented website, heavy on JS and meant for the mouse, yet mobile apps sometimes suck compared to websites; mobile or web version. When it comes to Google stuff, I use the apps. The mobile versions (at least on my TF101) are fairly similar to the mobile apps. The desktop *<b>web</b>* versions are best, but the Android apps are O.K. Contrast: the Facebook app has always been crap, compared to either version of the website.

The advantage of going web with it, is that the cloud auto-magically can solve a lot of little logistical problems. Like keeping data in reasonable sync, favouring search over storage, and removing the issue of "Maintance" -- all you need to keep up to date is usually your web browser, once in a blue moon. It is even possible to have web applications that are aware of one another, although this is sorely under-utilized in reality, versus what can be done. Facebook stuff is probably at the forefront, in more ways then one (but not all of them awesome).

When it comes to using an App, you gain hopefully better Native Integration. On the desktop, not so much in my experience: stuff like Mozilla Prism and Chromes app mode just don't cut it just yet, nor does the whole add-on/extension crapola. I'm talking a *<b>Real</b>* native application. Thunderbird versus GMail. Thunderbird will always have better integration with today's PC environments than the GMail's web app. Well, knowing Moldy old Mozilla maybe not always, but you get the point ^_^. The few exceptions that I've seen are products like Dropbox, where the native application _is_ the major selling point of the experience, and thus makes the cloud go round. It just happens to have a useful web user interface to boot.

Native applications open up a whole world for interesting savings and mangles. A good example, using an Android phone, you can have device local, mobile carrier, MS Exchange, Google, and Facebook contacts all synced even though they come from seperate providers; anyone could extend their service like this, fundimentally. That's how stuff should be done. In some cases (Google, Exchange) it is even possible to have calendar data synced. The downside is that doesn't get merged back into the Google-cloud, and that is probably a Good Thing(tm) even if I and others might like the option of it.

I think the web is one of the better interfaces for creating applications, if you want a UI that isn't better mapped to command line programs. Android offers quite a nice programming model, and I assume that iOS and BlackBerry-land offer something sufficent. The world of PCs not as good.

Personally, I think in the future, we will see the evolving "Mobile" experience rise up and destroy both the PC and Web 2.0. The difference is, it will be Mobile 3.0 :-). Then this will all fade away until such a millienia that notions like PC, Mac; Desktop, Laptop, Phone; all of it fades away into being about as interesting as using cornkobs to whipe your ass instead of the three sea shells.

Given the choice, it's obvious where I stand. But the real question is, does it run unix? :-P

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In cleaning out a hard drive, I stumbled across a personal DokuWiki I was running. It has various stuff in it, ranging from stuff such as a guide to making Live Operations and tryout info. For momento's sake I guess, since [SAS] was such a big part of my life, I've adapted the Service History part of my own wiki entry.

It can be found here.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

After a day and a half, when my mother started to bug me again this morning, I decided I was getting out. So, packed my phone & Andrea in my pack, grabbed my open bottle of water, and hit the road. Picked a direction and followed it down the super highway. After some jackass nearly slammed me off with his inept driving, I picked another route, and danced down side roads, until I eventually ended up on a freeway bound for Stone Mountain.\

So I spent the day huffing it up the mountain and then trying not to roll back down. Last time I was there, maybe early 2000s, we had taken the lift up to the top and back down. It was kind of nice to get to walk. I can't help but wonder though, if the power cables being tied off along the trail was some penny pinchers idea of "Oh, we can route power up this way to the snack bar at the summit, then use it for the hikers too!" Just so they wouldn't have to make a separate trail lol.

Definitely though, I prefer back woods over mountains!