Monday, June 9, 2008

days notes

Ahhh... A busy, stressful, but reasonably productive day I guess...

TG#3 problem should be el'fixo.

The RSM finally posted the reply to my volunteering to the be our new Recruits drill instructor.

Tonight I need to take some time out and finish prep work. It's been a good while since I've focused on this sort of thing, having never filled the position in the past. I'm a wee bit apprehensive but looking forward to it a lot.

Back in my day, we didn't have such an arrangement and by the time we did: I was a bit to highly placed to get a chance :\. Oh well, it's about time I guess lol. I'm lucky though, I've got a good recruit to work with so the biggest problem will probably be not boring him to death during training >_>.

As an NCO and SNCO on the team I have usually planned out my training sessions in advance, complete with a lesson plan. One thing I kinda liked about being an RSM/SSM is the chance to do more 'off topic' trainings, covering advanced stuff and things that we don't train as frequently on.

For Drill Instructor, I want to continue to apply the level of expertise but not in quite the same way. I figure, for this since it's more of a one to one / two to one approach... And I'm very much used to training in groups, I think I'll try and follow the format that thought my generation the techniques of the trade.

I'm used to doing trainings in a more structured class. I usually would line it up so I could have 2 or 3 recruits around and bring in a few promising candidates when I could. Walk us through it, refine it, and where possible a lot some time for practicing it without the instructors interventions. Most times I'd be dealing with 3 to 7 people and if ever a stroke up luck, someone to back me up lol.

Me, well I was trained quite a bit differently hehe ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Originally posted on my Live Journal:

    by: (Anonymous) at 2008-06-14 11:11 pm (UTC)
    comment: nice to hyear that rct's might have a instructor....plz keep me informed
