Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A difference in printing:


  1. Office printer too old. Use third party app.
  2. Configure printer.
  3. Just works(tm).
  4. Open file from cloud storage.
  5. Save as new file to cloud storage.
  6. Go print -> select this printer from OS print dialog.


  1. Office printer too old. Use third party app.
  2. Configure printer.
  3. Test page is binary.
  4. Fuck it, i"ll just use LInux.


  1. CUPS does everything.
  2. Download file from cloud storage.
  3. Edit file and save as new file.
  4. Upload new file.
  5. Print.

It's not very often that I print at work but there are usually two use cases. One is I sometimes have to print out Excel files as part of getting paid. The other is I sometimes need to print out my notes for sharing, either by paper or PDF.

For the most part, looks like printing from the iPad is not going to be a thing. Where as my Android was actually my least effort way to print stuff.

On the flip side, iOS apps more often offer the option to print shit than Android ones. For example, Evernote has a print option in its menus for iOS but on Android, you need to go through a browser or get a machine with any other client app.

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