Friday, September 26, 2008

Coding like a drunken spider-monkey

Finally home from work, with (hopefully) a three day weekend free -- TGIF !!!

The plan of attack is to take these days off regualr ps, and go ape on my task list. Because if I don't, I'm never going to get to work on homework lol.

  1. Operation BlackWidow: An overdue project that a few of us at have planned
  2. Operation Rooster: Finish the site mock ups for Rouge
  3. .
  4. Operation CleanSweep: Tidy ${HOME}, add more stuff to CVS as needed, revise my SOE scripts, and deploy necessary code in the right places
  5. .

I've always found it easier to name a project, then have to stop and think, The "uh X,Y, to the Z, and whatever" thing; both in mind and notation!

I'll be posting my absence message on SAS shortly, along with my cntact data. My primary goal, is to work on my own projects and standing SAS-projects. I really need to keep my head out of the servers, and on what I'm doing... So it's best if I essentially, lock myself in front of the laptop for the weekend lol. I figure, get the work done, get the stuff that's building up done, maybe watch a bit of TV for a change (when my head needs a rest).

This is as close to a vacation as I'm going to get, and it's a coding vacation lol.

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